Īfter a polite state dinner with his fellow rulers, Greymane retired to his guest chambers for the evening to discuss the situation with his nobles. While most of the other heads of the human nations were in agreement that an alliance against the orcish invaders was needed, Greymane was hesitant about joining, and was difficult about it. Greymane dismissed these concerns, stating with confidence that the Gilnean army could withstand any threat.

Accompanied by a group of nobles including Baron Ashbury, Lord Vincent Godfrey, and Lord Darius Crowley, the youngest and newest of the council of lords, Greymane listened to the plight of Anduin Lothar regarding the fall of Stormwind and the threat of the orcish Horde. Prior to the Second War, Greymane was among the human leaders summoned to an emergency meeting at Capital City in Lordaeron by King Terenas Menethil II. Greymane was gruff with his children, and rarely told them he loved them. They had two children: Liam, his son and heir, and Tess, who would have died in infancy if not for the intervention of the Royal Chemist, Krennan Aranas. At some point, Greymane met his wife, Mia, at the Royal Aderic Banquet, and theirs was not an arranged marriage. Īfter Archibald's death, Greymane took the throne and led Gilneas much like his father had. Because of the closeness of the two families, Greymane was advised by Archibald to put his trust into the Ashbury family's fidelity to the crown. Greymane had grown up with the man who would eventually become Baron Ashbury, and Ashbury's father was a member of Archibald's council of Lords that had helped Archibald build up Gilneas into the industrial nation it would become. From a young age, Greymane was taught by his father not to rely on others and that asking for help was a weakness, and this characteristic stuck with him throughout his life. Genn Greymane is the son of Archibald Greymane, the Gilnean king who lead Gilneas into its industrial age. This intention is later partly realized by the time of the Fourth War, as Gilneas was apparently restored enough to go on the offensive in the Fourth War following the Battle for Lordaeron. Greymane becomes a staunch supporter of the Alliance, adding the ferocity of the Gilneans to the considerable might of the Alliance, intent on one day reclaiming his lost kingdom. After a short layover at Darnassus and reestablishing diplomatic ties with King Varian Wrynn, Greymane becomes a changed man. In a fit of stubbornness, Greymane was against formally rejoining the Alliance until he had almost lost his wife and daughter during the crossing. Humbled by his son's death and the devastation of his kingdom, Greymane accepted the aid of the night elves, who had offered to relocate Gilnean survivors to Darnassus. In the aftermath, Greymane faced the dual threats of the Cataclysm and the Forsaken invasion, culminating in the battle to retake Gilneas City from the Forsaken and witnessing the death of his son and heir, Liam. To counter the threat, Greymane helped to defend the city and aided in the evacuation of citizens to Duskhaven. In the time between the Third War and the War against the Lich King, the number of those afflicted with the Worgen curse had grown and were now attacking Gilneas City. The plan backfired, and the worgen curse would eventually run rampant among the Gilnean population. Īround the time of the Third War, Greymane instructed Archmage Arugal, a Dalaran wizard loyal to Gilneas, to summon feral worgen to protect Gilneas from the Scourge threat.

Following the liberation of the orcs from internment camps by the New Horde, Greymane decided that Gilneas could not and would not pay for the wars of other nations, so he withdrew Gilneas from the Alliance, ordered the construction of the Greymane Wall and isolated Gilneas from the rest of the world.

After the conclusion of the Second War, Greymane chafed at using Gilnean taxes to help pay for the orc internment camps and Nethergarde Keep. Greymane joined the other human leaders in forming the Alliance of Lordaeron to counter the Horde threat, but due to his pride, he offered only token support. Greymane has also been noted for being stubborn, proud, strong-willed, cunning, and arrogant.ĭuring the Second War, Greymane met with the other human leaders at Capital City to hear of Stormwind's fall at the hands of the orcish Horde. He is a large bearish man, a brawny warrior with thick features, a heavy beard, and black and gray armor. Genn Greymane (sometimes spelled as " Graymane") is the current King of Gilneas, and one of the original founders of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Threaten my people, and it will be the last thing you ever see.”